Preface by Ronn Yedidia
“Piano Sonata No. 3, ‘Outcries’, is a virtuoso work in one movement, composed in 1985 and dedicated to the pianist Arthur Hart, who had a substantial influence on my musical thinking around that time (we were both undergraduate students at Juilliard that year). ‘Outcries’ is formed of both mystical and material substances, and draws its inspiration from a myriad of influences – mainly early 20th Century music (Scriabin, Ravel, Bartok, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Webern & Messiaen), modern Jazz and Minimalism.In its general structure, ‘Outcries’ presents a form of continuous change: A – B – C with several sub-sections. The organic quality of the work is achieved by the weaving of linear, harmonic, rhythmic & textural elements, as well as some preconceived serial pitch organization. The sonata’s immense Finale is based on a complete 12-tone harmonic structure which builds up in a cumulative process. Massive contrasts of sound and movement from start to finish – create constant tension and relief, yet shape a structure of acute formal & dynamic clarity amidst the chaotic nature of the piece.
‘Outcries’ expresses feelings about human anguish and ambition as reflected in the late 20th century, the polarities within the individual and between individuals, faith and religion. It probably represents my most extreme musical statement on these matters. Inevitably, the impact of the discoveries of our time in Nature and Space, wars and the increasing solitude of the individual – often leading to fear and anger, also play their part in the emotional make-up of the work. Finally, however, the piece is about a human victory over the obstacles of life and death.”