Apology and correction

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We apologize for the errors and oversight leading to our publications as follow:

MP-00101  Smetana/Fukuma: Moldau
Bar. 220 Right hand

MP-00102 Satie/Fukuma: Je te veux
The ERRATUM can be found here.

MP-00301  Bishop/Godowsky: Home, Sweet Home
Bar. 39

MP-00401  Kohei Tanaka/Pianeet – GUNBUSTER FANTASY & Incomplete Concerto
Bar. 380

MP-00701 Alexis Weissenberg: 6 arrangements of songs by Charles Trenet
En avril à Paris – Recording Part: Bar. 31

En avril à Paris – Recording Part: Bar. 55

En avril à Paris – Recording Part: Bar. 56

En avril à Paris
– Recording Part: Bar. 60-61

MP-00843  Ronn Yedidia: Toward the Gardens of Heaven
Page. 20 Bar. 120 – Left Hand

MP-02302 Kishio Hirao: Sonate pour piano – Version révisée (1951)
2nd movement: Bar.16 | D-sharp → E-sharp

2nd movement: Bar.35 | F → G

2nd movement: Bar.69 | G-natural → G-sharp