Homage to the Composer-Pianists (Eiji Nishimura)


1) Hexaméron, S. 392/R. 131 (Liszt, Chopin, Czerny, Herz, Thalberg, Pixis)
2) “Moise” Fantasy, Op. 33 (Thalberg)
from 25 Préludes dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs (Alkan) 
3) No. 5: Psaume 150
4) No. 8: La chanson de la folle au bord de la mer
5) No. 10: Dans le style fugué
6) No. 21
7) No. 25: Prière
“Java Suite” (Godowsky) 
8) No. 8: The Gardens of Buitenzorg
9) No. 6: The Bromo Volcano and the Sand Sea at Daybreak
10) Pastiche on the Hindu Merchant’s Song from “Sadko” by Rimsky-Korsakov (Sorabji)
11) Dance of the Russian Sailors (Lewenthal)
12) Con Intimissimo Sentimento ländler I (Hamelin)
12 Études in All the Minor Keys (Hamelin)
13) No. 6: Esercizio per pianoforte (Omaggio a Domenico Scarlatti)
14)No. 3: After Paganini-Liszt

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The CD sees the works by pianist-composers of 3 centuries from 19’s to 21st chronologically. You can hear the unique collaboration, Hexamelon, the variations by the pens of famous 6 pianists such as Liszt, Chopin, Czerny, etc. And also you’ll meet Thalberg, known of the legendary “piano duel” with Liszt; Alkan, a contemporarie of Chopin and his cutting-edge works are now surprising for us; Godowsky, admired as the pianists’ pianist but auto-deducted musician; Sorabji, who wrote extraordinarily long and complex works and made them unpublished for almost five decades; charismatic virtuoso, Lewenthal; and our days’ hero for pianophiles, Marc-André Hamelin. All but Thalberg’s are japanese first recording.

Eiji Nishimura

Born in 1972. Graduated from the University of Tokyo School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University (Department of Surgery). Medical doctor. He began playing the piano at the age of 5, studying under Tomoko Tanaka and Hisako Takasu. Also received Mr. Masaaki Yasuda, Hiroshi Takasu lessons. In his student years, he belonged to the piano society of the University of Tokyo and appeared in numerous concerts. After his graduation, he continued performances while engaging in the clinical practice of transplant surgery at Kyoto University and King’s College Hospital in the UK. Currently working as a clinician who performs surgery and internal medicine at a hospital in Tokyo area. First prize at the International Amateur Piano Competition, first prize at 36th PTNA Piano Competition Grand Muse category B2 category, first prize at Tokyo Piano Competition Amateur Division. In addition to writing commentary with Marc-André Hamelin on the score of Godovsky’s “Studies after Chopin’s etudes”, he has co-authored numerous score publications, CD commentaries, and writing for magazines.

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