Scriabin: Symphonies – Piano Arrangements (Michael Nanasakov)


1) Symphony No.3 “Le Divin Poème” Op.43 1st movement
2) Op.43 2nd movement
3) Op.43 3rd movement
4) Symphony No. 5 Prometheus: The Poem of Fire, Op. 60
5) Piano Concerto, 2nd movement Op.20

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Scriabin wrote 5 symphonies, but even the most famous one “no.5 -Prometheus” is rarely played. Although its harmony treatment influenced many composers. So it is natural for Russian composers to arrange the symphony. The CD contains Leonid Savaneev related transcriptions (of no.3 & 5) and the composer’s own transcription of the 2nd movement of his piano concerto.

Symphony no. 3 – The divine poem (piano 4 hands)

Arrangement by Lev Konyus, who is a colleague of Rachmaninoff and an acquaintance of the composer. Leonid Savaneev was not familiar with the music of Scriabin, but he got this arrangement and played it with his brother Bolis, and he noticed the genius of Scriabin. Then he was being influenced by him. Savaneev says “you can understand the value of the symphony with piano, rather than orchestra”.

Symphony no. 5 – Prometheus (2 pianos)

Scriabin had a contract with his patron, Koussevitzky, a famous conductor and he had to publish a piano reduction, but he ignored. Then Savaneev is requested to write the piano version. Although the composer himself thinks it is so complex that 2 pianos 8 hands are necessary, his admirer writes the piano solo version! But after a while, the arranger thinks 2 pianos version is more comfortable and rich. Finally, the 2 piano arrangement is published officially.

Savaneev is known as the author of the biography of Scriabin and recently his complete piano music is recorded in the label Genuin by Michael Schafer, a German pianist.

The 2nd movement from Piano Concerto (2 pianos) 

A work with a beautiful melody in the period when Scriabin is under the influence of Chopin. Nanasakov tried to play with tremolos which do not appear in the original score.

Who is Michael Nanasakov?

The first VIRTUAL pianist of the world who plays unplayable, ignored or rarely played pieces. The public profile is “Born in Lithuania, Vitrinus 1955”, but actually Nanasakov is a project with a computer and an automatic playing piano by its producer, Junichi Nanasawa. In 1990, Michael debuted with complete Godowsky’s Chopin Studies recoding. At the period there’s no satisfying recording of them, so he gained a unique reputation with his SUPER-HUMAN technique.

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 14.2 × 1 × 12 mm